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St. Lucia News 
Business Names 

Registration of Business Name

A Registered Business Name or Firm is an association of one or more individuals or corporations that have entered into partnership with one another for the purpose of carrying on business for profit. A Business Name or Commercial name, as it is sometimes referred to, is a designation which identifies an enterprise.

Business Names should be registered in order to be protected as a trade name of one enterprise or firm may not be used by another. A name or designation similar to another trade name, if likely to mislead the public, may not be used by another enterprise.

Benefits of registering a Business Name

 i)   Registration of a business gives it legal status.   
ii)   It gives the owner exclusive rights to personally use the business name.   
iii)  It enables one to enjoy the pride of being an honest Saint Lucia or foreign business undertaker.   
iv)  It gives one the right to enter with confidence into the competitive business arena using the business name.  
v)  Registration of the business affords one the chance to contribute to national economic development and prosperity.

The law governing business names in Saint Lucia

The law governing the procedure for registration of business name is the Registration of Business Names Act, Cap 13.03.